Short Bio

Creative Innovations


I am a visual artist from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex that serves as a medium for expression through creative innovations. Whether it be designing a logo, brand, or tattoo ; I can make anything that best suits you. Configuring or arranging an important painting, home center piece or event of the century ; I have the eye for it. My goal is to always create an experience that will enable the participants or viewer to feel what they need to within that moment


Willie Dave, WD, is a visual artist from the  Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex rendering the feeling of hope, and light, and cultivating Black Culture. WD has a passion for the vulnerable sentiment of expression in hopes that the viewer will see something that they need within themselves at that moment.
Blackness and black culture is the center of WD’s creative work. Depicting black people in surrealism and renaissance impression for an aura of nostalgia.